The lucidity PCBs |
I start populating |
I started with the resistors, then added those small yellow capacitors. That way, I don't have to think about polarity yet and they are all small components, the board is still easy to manipulate.
I added the diodes, I needed to take care of polarity, don't want to burn everything... After the diodes, I looked at what components had a low profile and decided to solder the adapters for the chips.
I soldered then the red capacitors. BTW, in the original BOM, C20 and C21 are rated
180pF and in the mouser BOM, they are 150pF. The innersonix team said it's not a problem, and they used the 150pF.
After the red WIMA capacitors, I soldered the relays and the resistors which are to be soldered straight (hard to get them straight). Now it starts to look like a real board, with lots of stuff on it.
Here the relays |
The wima capacitors |
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